Fertility Control update

By the numbers

Total mares treated over the lifetime of the program: 1,907

Nancy Kilian Memorial Garden

A few months ago, we shared the loss of longtime fertility control darter, Nancy Kilian. She was an original AWHC darter and president of Virginia Range Wildlife Protection Association (VRWPA). Her passing left a hole in the hearts of her friends and family, as well as the programs to which she dedicated her time and passion. 

VRWPA owns some property in the Virginia City Highlands, and wanted to create a memorial to Nancy. Ashton is a Boy Scout working on his Eagle Scout Badge Project. Together, they are creating the Nancy Kilian Memorial Garden and Wildlife Viewing Area.

Ashton created plans for the project, and along with fellow Boy Scouts, VRWPA volunteers, and local friends they have set fence posts, are building raised beds, creating landscaping features and more. It promises to be a lovely tribute to Nancy and some of what she loved best about living amongst, and protecting, the area’s wildlife (including Virginia Range horses!). You can donate to support the project through their website at vrwpa.com.


On The Range


Happy Tails Rescue