Happy Tails Rescue
springtime and foal safety tips
While the Virginia Range Fertility Control program has significantly decreased the number of foals born, there will still be new babies in springtime. We ask everyone to follow the safety tips below:
Always give wild horses space. But especially with young foals in the band. Mares and stallions can both be fiercely protective. Never approach them and never get between an adult horse and the young band members.
If you see something concerning, please call the Wild Horse Hotline. 775-352-3944 Trained volunteers will be dispatched to assess the situation and the range manager will be fully aware of what is going on.
Never give a foal anything to eat or drink.
In the rare instance that a foal has to be removed from the range, rescue volunteer trained to handle foals will be dispatched at the direction of Wild Horse Connection.
Remember that the VERY best caretaker for a wild horse baby is its dam. Mama knows best!
Rescue volunteer Shannon Hill and baby Braveheart who was orphaned when his dam tragically died. Lucky Braveheart was adopted by Shannon and is thriving, growing up with Shannon’s other mustang Harley!