Happy Tails Rescue
While LRTC’s Technical Large Animal Rescue Team continues to respond to calls and concerns, this month we are updating on the Wild Horse Connection rescued foals.
Jaya just went to her new forever home where she’ll have a family of horses and humans to love her! Congratulations Jaya - continue growing strong, sweet girl. We can’t wait to see what your bright future brings!
Currently Buddy and Creedence are still in residence at the foal nursery. They would love to share part of their day or night with you! These two funny boys love to play with their toys and each other. They are gobbling their hay and pellets and still love their milk. Volunteers are needed RIGHT NOW, in varying shifts, to help care for and watch over these boys as they grow and learn their independence.
If you can help with Buddy and Creedence, please use the contact form found HERE or email at volunteer@wildhorseconnection.org
Creedence showing the ball who is boss!